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Mom, wife, educator, and purveyor of this little corner of the internet called Vermilion Lane.

Teen Speak 101

I recently witnessed a conversation between my teenage daughter and her friend.

I stood there, dumb struck, realizing I literally had no idea what in the world they were talking about. It’s all a blur.

I had a flashback to the nineties. Ah, those were the days. -- A time when teenagers spoke in ridiculous but discernable lingo and the economy was in full bloom -- well that last part is debatable but you get the picture.

Clueless ruled the big screen, books were made out of paper and even the softest valley kids could be heard blasting “It's All About the Benjamins” by Puff Daddy in their Cabriolet convertible.

Fast forward to present day -- I needed to attempt to translate 2015 teen speak.

This meant I had to go in for a conversation with my daughter. Those aren’t so easy with a 15 year old. I gathered my nerve and knocked on her door. Suffice to say it took a while, considering Taylor Swift was belting out “Bad Blood” on the other side loud enough to rattle the windows.

Rather surprisingly, my little peach was more than willing to help. We wound up having an insightful and I dare say delightful chat. She’s a gem.

Now that I’ve upped my lingo game, I had to share a few of my favorites:

Ship – To like a couple together or shortened form of relationship

I ship Harry and Sally, they make such a lovely couple.

- Pronounced “bay” Your number one friend or boyfriend (acronym for before anyone else)

Devon and I have been dating for five months, he’s my Bæ.

Hilariate – From hilarious

You’re quite a card, you hilariate me.

Yaas – Yeah!


On fleek – On point, well-done

Your hair is on fleek, love the new cut.

Basic – A person lacking individuality

Karinne decided to change her outfit as she didn’t want to look basic in all beige.

Bye Felicia – To dismiss a person you don’t like, basically bye, girl

This one is just too funny but I can't think of a sentence for it, so bye Felicia!

#TBT – Throwback

Clueless is 20 years old this month, #TBT

Squad pic – Like a selfie but with a group of friends

We just met yesterday, OMG, let's take a squad pic!

The Feels – Intense emotions

Let's watch a comedy tonight, because I don't want to get the feels.

So done - Over it

Teen speak is too hard, I'm so done.

The struggle is real – Having a difficult time with something that should be easy

The new version of the iPhone just sold out, now I'll have to wait three weeks to get it. The struggle is real.

When our conversation ended I announced proudly "I feel so hip now." My daughter just smiled and shook her head.

I’m reminded more than ever that teens just want to know you care. By simply sitting in their room and listening. Not talking back or engaging too much of course, that would be too much like “the feels.”

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