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Mom, wife, educator, and purveyor of this little corner of the internet called Vermilion Lane.

Nothing Like a Sip of Piping Hot Green...okay, this is embarrassing.

There's nothing like a nice relaxing cup of green tea, right? Typically, it's the way I start my day, but today was a little different.

So, I should start from the begininning.

Obvi! (As my teenage daughter would say)

Anyway, I woke up this morning in a total fog. No, not because of a drunken stupor the night before. (I pretty much function like it's still prohibition: A sip or two of champagne on New Year's Eve and an occasional rum punch in the summer.) Not because of some great cause I was working on throughout the night.

No, I was tired because my dog, Uniqua the pug (don't ask), was up all night barking at an imaginary burglar hiding under the bed.

So, I go downstairs for my morning cup of green tea when I happen upon one of my boys pouring cereal waaay beyond the rim of the bowl, as he is far too busy making fun of his twin for dropping a glass of milk to notice.

Welcome to my world...enter with a mop, paper towels, a boatload of patience and fruit snacks or you're useless here.

Anyway, after I play captain of the cleanup crew, alas onto my green tea. I basically need a "Calgon, take me away!" moment before the day has even begun.

So, I pick up a mug of greenish yellow liquid resting on the kitcchen table and head over to the microwave. Clearly, my tea has cooled so I'm going to heat it up. That makes sense, right? But all the while, in the midst of that split second, I'm thinking, "Gosh, I don't remember making this."

"I must really be tired," I mutter. Then I heat up my green tea for a full minute, pull the steaming mug of goodness out of the microwave and...take a sip.

As you've likely gleaned, there was no green tea. I heated up flat ginger ale soda from the night before, undoubtedly left out by one of my favorite munchkins. I can't name who, as all three thought it best to feign ignorance about the mystery mug of day old pop.

Did I mention the sugar in soda gets crazy hot in the microwave?

So there, now you can go about your day knowing, "Hey, at least I didn't burn my tongue drinking boiling hot ginger ale this morning."

Have you ever had that kind of morning?

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