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Mom, wife, educator, and purveyor of this little corner of the internet called Vermilion Lane.

Have a Tentative Reader?

Pitch a tent for "tent"ative readers

Every parent wants their child to be a strong reader. Now-a-days you see commercials marketing reading programs to infants, let alone toddlers and pre-kindergarteners.

But sometimes, no matter what program you use or how much time you invest, reading just doesn't come so easily. If a lack of confidence or motivation are factors, then try this sure fire reader motivator: Pitch a tent!

First things first, if you are concerned about your child's learning progress ask your pediatrician or a trusted school official for support. No child should be left to flounder in a watch and wait approach. I rarely say never, but I can with confidence here---watch and wait never works!

If you're in need of educational resources use the contact page to get in touch with me and I can help steer you in the right direction of a few great websites and books.

Now, on to the fun stuff...

Black and Orange Pup Tent

1. Get a kid-size tent. Before buying, consider if you want to be in the tent with your child.

2. Fill it with comfy pillows and blankets.

3. Set up a daily log that includes: Date, Book title and Minutes read.

4. Establish rules that minimize distractions - Nix electronic devices or toys. They will only distract your child and make reading more challenging.

5. Don't forget a flash light and prize incentives for meeting goals for minutes read. Go for something small like extra playground time for older kids, stickers or stamps for younger ones.

What are some ideas that work for your reluctant reader?

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