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Mom, wife, educator, and purveyor of this little corner of the internet called Vermilion Lane.

When Your Drowsy Pug Won't Go Naked

A few years ago, I ran into a bit of a dilemma. My narcoleptic pug, Uniqua, was in a bit of a fashion bind.

Shocking, I know!

Okay, so

I have a pug named Uniqua. My kids named her after a cartoon character. If you have little ones you're with me, if not, well, Google it.

Anyway, on to the important stuff, Uniqua is in fact, narcoleptic. No, I don't have a formal diagnosis (is there such a thing as a doggie neurologist?) but I can assure you this pup is as inactive as a three-toed sloth.

I don't make light of the disorder, surely for humans it must be a nightmare. But for many pugs it's merely a way of life.

Speaking of moderate to severe neurological issues, Uniqua is also agoraphobic. She will not walk one house beyond our own or she will have a panic attack. I assure you this is not an exaggeration. Mind you if mommy (that's me) is with her she will go a whole city block, shivering and whimpering but pushing through the trauma. That's true love folks.

If my husband or kids try to walk her, an all out tug-of-war ensues. The pug wins every time. She is wickedly strong for a 16 pounder.

Back to the fashion conundrum...

Uniqua is a bit of a diva. She prefers to be clothed when beyond the confines of our residence. In the winter she won't step a paw outside without a coat.

But inside the house, she misses her outfit and pushes it with her nose in an effort to encourage us to let her wear it. The houndstooth cape and purple butterfly fairy costume are her favorite selections, of course. Then moments later, when we've got the darn thing on her she's hot, itchy and trying desperately to rub her way out of it.

So, I came up with an answer.

It's not earth shattering technology and a it's bit ridiculous but it works. I made these cute little felt flowers and attached them to her collar. Uniqua absolutely went bonkers for it. She wags her tail, does a twirl and begs to sit in mommy's lap.

I should record this. Seriously, is that funniest videos TV show still running?

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